We started the night out with a few shots of Patron, which is probably not the best idea to start a night that is supposed to go at least until midnight. We then opened the first bottle of red wine and started rolling a few joints by the warm fire in the backyard. The night was still young. We started with some wild smoked salmon and a homemade dill dressing. The dressing was very much inspired by the IKEA dill sauce that you can buy in the food section. Last time I went to IKEA I wanted to buy some of that delicious dressing but they were sold out....there were probably a lot of other lazy cooks who had the same idea for their holiday meals. So I was forced to make my own.
- A Bunch of Dill
- Honey
- Sweet Mustard
- Olive Oil
- Black pepper and salt
- A few drops of lemon
It turned out to be good, even better than the Ikea version but then again trimming the dill into the bowl isn't the most fun thing to do one New Year's eve so here's the link to their awesome dressing: SÅS SENAP & DILL
After the salmon was done and we made a quick trip to the grocery store to get the paper plates that I had forgotten to bring, we shared a fe dozens of Jumbo shrimps cooked in white wine sauce. Note that at this point the white wine bottles are being opened and there is no stopping the mix of alcohol happening in my body.
- Onion
- Red pepper
- Cilantro
- Honey
- White wine
- Olive oil
- Black Pepper and Salt
- Some TLC
Cut the onions and the red peppers, sizzle in olive oil until golden, put a glass of wine, a teaspoon of Honey and let the shrimps simmer for a few minutes, throw the chopped cilantro in the pot and cover until shrimps are pink and ready to eat.

Everyone enjoyed the appetizers and it was then time to cut the cheese for the delicious cheese fondue we were about to have. after cutting the Comté, the Emmental and the Gruyère in pieces we poured some wine in the fondue pot, added a clove of crushed garlic and waited a few more minutes for the cheese to melt. Fondue is one of the best party food because not only is it fun but it also gets you drunk. believe it or not we did not have desert after the fondue but we did enjoy a digestive spliff.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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